Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Flea market junkies!

Have had this bedspread for more than a year now and have never remembered to use it on occasions as I'd thought while buying. We picked it up at the Anjuna Flea market in the November of 2010, an afternoon worth a thousand visits, as for the first time we were baptizing our 3 yr old son into what we both secretly love - be it a bit bohemian, bit gypsyish - to 'just be', soak in the smokes & sounds of a Hippies life, even if it is just half a day away from the sanctuary of a five star hotel stay!

So today with the sun streaming into my bedroom I remembered this small buy and just had to spread it on without any trimmings and here's what I got

and a peek at the sights & sounds of a local bar by the Anjuna coast, where we spent a whole afternoon - the Hippies revel in it still!

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