Monday 29 October 2018

Fountainhead of all things Beautiful !

I owe an immense lot to writing and blogging!

Blogging birthed limegreenwalls and the other blogs I write. What began as a space for uninhibited reflection and, as I now see, as a placeholder to sustain my connection with the outside after a 15-year long hectic Corporate life,  became a medium to help pause, think and spontaneously weave stories at every life stage. Blogging aided my sharing of myself in a highly personalised medium, in sharing my preoccupations both visually & textually—of timelessness inside an activity-laden day—with the world outside of my own little silo. This love-connection continued for years and within the discipline of life, writing a blog-post has been a luxury, an urge and often a getaway from the mundane, inescapable parts of a much altered life—bearing, birthing and bringing up a sunny boy, moving to a new Country twice over and the intrepidness of building a new career from ground-up! Even while the new vocation was being stitched together blogging remained a Fountainhead of inspiration in myriad ways.  

And then entered Facebook and the bigger poacher Instagram - convenience, instant expression, gratification from a highly orchestrate-able audience, hi-resolution visual appeal has gradually eroded my instinct and propensity for longer, laborious expression in prose, particularly on this Blog. The erosion has continued until near total eclipse despite a constant awareness of my culpability in this drift from prose to shorthand. :)

With this post I am simply hoping to break the stalemate! I really am, Peeps, and Thank you for being here all this while! <3 <3

Various vignettes of my home on different days and seasons this year.

And a Happy Diwali ahead!

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